The desert
Today I felt an icy loneliness invade me and decided to do shadow work on it. I remembered the feeling of void, of icy-cold emptiness....
Why scientists and religious people could greatly benefit from better communicating, and collaborati
I'm possibly one of the few people on this planet who has spent in depth time researching and working with and understanding science and...
Methods of bypassing
Spiritual bypassing can occur in many forms. It is that choice we make in each situation to focus on something external repress our...
Using leaders to bypass
As I spend time in spiritual groups, and with religious, scientific or just common people, I notice a recurring trend. People tend to...
When we struggle to heal hurt caused by a relationship with someone we sooner or later will encounter the friend, guide or guru who tells...
Il trauma piu' profondo della mia vita
Cari lettori e lettrici, non vi ho abbandonato. Avrete notato come vi ho lasciato tra il Nepal e la Polonia, andando nel mio paese di...

A metaphysics painting
Italy welcomed me with a very joyful, playful vibration, which was a nice relief from the vibration of hopelessness drenching Poland (as...
Una missione impossibile
Finalmente la mia testa poggia su di un letto che e' mio, almeno per qualche giorno, in una camera tutta mia in un'appartamentino a...
A safe home
As a child I always felt safe in my grandmother's home. It was a magical house, with clocks and bells, including a cu-cu clock. It had...
The dream
On the last night in Pokhara, just before leaving for Kathmandu, I had a terrifying nightmare. I dreamed my own death. Only this was no...