Using leaders to bypass
As I spend time in spiritual groups, and with religious, scientific or just common people, I notice a recurring trend. People tend to...
Right vs Wrong
We'd all like to think that given any situation, story, setting, our moral judgement is so good that we can always perceive what is right...
Ci relazioniamo come mangiamo
C'e' un parallelo innegabile tra il cibo che consumiamo ed i rapporti che abbiamo con le persone. Non e' un caso che si parli di...
The worst part about rape
You would think that the worst part about rape for a victim is the rape episode itself. That is excruciatingly painful experience, to say...
Disempowered women
The women in my family represent everything one can possibly do to screw up one's health and happiness. Crappy diet full of animal...
Comfort is something we take so easily for granted in our developed cultures. Being used to it, it is easy to forget that before us there...
The happiest people in the world
After hours walking in the jungle, I had hiked up and down the Himalayan mountains several kilometers, had encountered countless leech...
Il vero motivo per cui aiutiamo gli altri
Presumibilmente siamo esseri empatici. L'empatia ci da non solo la capacita' di renderci conto razionalmente del dolore, piacere, o altro...
The self-sacrifice tactic
I have a problem with regards to relationships, that is reflected in the fact that I tend to attract emotionally unavailable people....
Come il cibo Italiano ci impedisce di amarci
Ultimamente sto lavorando su due cose nella mia vita che in apparenza sono del tutto separate, ma come ho scoperto di recente, hanno una...