Why Trump really won
It's amazing sometimes how little we can be conscious of our actions and the way they affect the world. People often go on and watch...

Why we love children and animals
There is both a light side why we love children and animals so much, as well as a shadow side. Let me illustrate the light side first....

Sadistic Psychopathy
Sociologists and psychologists are increasingly worried about the narcissistic epidemic spreading in our world, and for very good reasons...

How the Taiwanese eat and love
If you have walked the busy and chaotic streets of Taipei, weather you were in the city center or in one of the outer areas, you have...
Too Late
As a species humans have the tendency to wait until things break to start trying to fix them, instead of preventing them from breaking on...

Why we don't talk about child rape
When we mention child rape in the western world, our mind immediately runs to some crumbling brothel, somewhere in an extremely poor and...
L'origine della dipendenza
Dietro ad ogni comportamento dipendente - fumo, alcohol, cibo, shopping, relazioni tossiche, eccetera - e' nascosta una profonda...
Il silenzio degl innocenti
Non saprei in che altro modo chiamare quel fenomeno culturale nel quale una persona grida a tutti "il lupo", ma nel quale tutti...
I nostri antenati vivevano in comunita' e per un ottimo motivo. L'essere umano e' un'animale sociale, la comunita' e' il fulcro sociale...
Analytical and Emotional Intelligence
"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and...