Analytical and Emotional Intelligence
"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and...
Using leaders to bypass
As I spend time in spiritual groups, and with religious, scientific or just common people, I notice a recurring trend. People tend to...
How do we set boundaries?
We've all heard it from psychologists and spiritual gurus, you need to set your boundaries, especially if you are in unhealthy...
Science vs Religion
When it comes to anti-religion scientist-debaters, there is no doubt that the distinction between science and religion is cut and clear,...
Right vs Wrong
We'd all like to think that given any situation, story, setting, our moral judgement is so good that we can always perceive what is right...
Ci relazioniamo come mangiamo
C'e' un parallelo innegabile tra il cibo che consumiamo ed i rapporti che abbiamo con le persone. Non e' un caso che si parli di...
When we struggle to heal hurt caused by a relationship with someone we sooner or later will encounter the friend, guide or guru who tells...
Il trauma piu' profondo della mia vita
Cari lettori e lettrici, non vi ho abbandonato. Avrete notato come vi ho lasciato tra il Nepal e la Polonia, andando nel mio paese di...
The worst part about rape
You would think that the worst part about rape for a victim is the rape episode itself. That is excruciatingly painful experience, to say...