No contact
I see both in codependency forums as well as self-help articles and books, in strategies to dealing with narcissists and others. No...
I was watching the documentary "Steve Jobs: The Man in the Machine" yesterday, and it made me realize something. I've been studying...
I narcisisti sono le persone che vivono con le piu' dolorose credenze al mondo. Essi si sono formati da una privazione quasi totale...
Manifestation advantages and disadvantages
Ever since I learned to manifest my own thoughts, thanks to spirituality 301, my life has become rather drastic and intense, both in a...
The price of Utopia
In physics, no particle exists without its anti-particle. No force can be created without creating an equal and opposite force. According...
Spiritual inspiration from Japan
So there are three main phases in spiritual growth. The first phase is where you learn to control your thoughts, you see how your...
Guarigione dalla codipendenza.
Vi propongo un'idea poco consona, ma probabilmente proprio per questo efficacie. Avete presente quando state male, quando siete in...
Perche' cadiamo nelle trappole narcisiste?
Chi e' stato vittima di un narcisista sa di cosa sto parlando. Le subdole ed manovrate strategie di manipolazioni, degne di un...
The insanity of the growth prerogative
Everywhere in the news, political leaders, economists, industry leaders and even scientists stress "growth" as a factor of well being and...
Of course free will is an illusion
Recently an article was published(*), about a research study that supported the idea that free will may be an illusion. To me it is...